As-good-as-they-come, Juno award-winning blues guitarist Garrett Mason returns to The Carleton – along with pal, Noah Tye – for a night of great live music on Thursday, November 24th. Show time will be 10 PM and it’s $10 at the door to come in to enjoy the show.

Although he’s the son of legendary Nova Scotian bluesman Dutch Mason, Garrett has forged an impressive career on his own merits, including winning the Juno for Blues Album of the Year in 2005. His Carleton shows usually sell out so get there by 10! It’s a solo show but he’s already proven he’s got more than enough mojo in his guitar to fill our room.

Noah Tye is an up-and-coming multi-instrumentalist/songwriter currently promoting his debut album, The Devlin Ewe, which has to be one of our favourite titles ever. Noah and Garrett are buds so the evening will have that special bromancey thing that happens in this town.