Mellotones TONIGHT!

Halifax kings of the dance floor – The Mellotones – make their Carleton debut TONIGHT (Friday, March 7th)!


The sun is out – for now – and we’re literally trying to will Spring into existence with this show. Band hits the stage at 10 PM and, believe it or not, it’s only $5 at the door. Furniture will be moved, extra bars will be set up, the band will be smokin’ hot, so all we’re currently missing is YOU.

Get there early, stay late!

I’m Sorry To Say… Shaun Majumder is NOT at The Carleton This Sunday…

We loves Shaun – and he loves us – but he will NOT be at The Carleton this coming Sunday night as we’d hoped. 22 Minutes declared a hiatus for the show and that means the cast members have scattered to the winds until they’re called back. In Shaun’s case, he’s in Vancouver shooting a TV pilot so he’s on the wrong Coast right now.


We DO plan to resurrect his “New Material” Sunday nights as soon as he gets back, so stay tuned and sorry for any confusion this has caused!

Wanna Get Happy? We Sure Do…

The verdict is now officially in: February 2015 in Halifax sucks. The weather has been about as awful as I’ve ever seen it in my 20+ years in town. So that’s making us all sad and in order to cheer us up – to make us HAPPY – we’ve launched a new Happy Hour (well, more like two hours) at The Carleton and it looks like this…


I’ve personally tried this on for size and, trust me, it’s a good deal!


On another front, my pal Steve Poltz – the single best solo performer I’ve ever seen in my life (and I’d bet almost anything I’ve seen more shows than you have) – is playing TONIGHT! Tuesday, February 24th and, somehow, we haven’t sold it out yet. If you’ve never seen Steve, you might want to rectify that awful gap in your live music experience. You can thank me later (and you will).

If you were sitting around thinking, “hmmm, I should probably buy tickets to the Fortunate Ones/Del Barber show on March 2nd!” you’ve left it too late. That show is now SOLD OUT. Those are my favourite two words in the English language, by the way!

Of Course The Weather Sucks – That Doesn’t Mean Life Has To…

It’s true, February seems to be sucker-punching us in the throat and it hurts. BUT, that’s no reason not to soothe that insult with great music and some human warmth – and food and drink – at The Carleton.


Two of the city’s best musicians, Matthew Hornell & Andrew Sneddon – along with this week’s guest, Pye on bass – will do their usual fabulous job playing a terrific mix of Country, Bluegrass, Celtic, Folk and whatever else they feel like at our joint tonight.

Live music starts around 9ish and is a downright measly $5 to get in. No better thing to do in Halifax on a Tuesday night so give it some serious thought!

You May Have Noticed That It Snowed Last Night…

Yes, it snowed last night. A lot. More than anyone expected. But it’s over now and there’s no reason to still be afraid.

If you’re looking for something fab to do tonight (Tuesday, February 3rd), come on down to see Matthew Hornell & Andrew Sneddon do their Terrific Tag-Team Tunes Tuesdays. It’s a great night of live music with a couple of the best musicians in the city. It’s cheap – $5 at the door – and it usually starts around 8:30 so early enough that you can get home to bed before the news at 11.

Unless you’re cowering in your basement, that is…


Howdy web browser. Welcome to our new Carleton website. It’s been a long time coming – and we still have a lot to do – but figured there’s no time like the present so we’re making the move. This version should be much better on mobile devices too. Bear with us while we work out the kinks (not the actual Kinks, although I would like to get Ray Davies in our venue one of these days) and please feel free to let us know what you think of it and/or point out problems if you encounter them.

As I said, we’re beavering away getting more content up so I encourage you to come back soon to see the progress.

If you haven’t been to a live show at our lovely restaurant in a while, make a point of it soon. If you’ve never been here – for a meal or a show – what are you waiting for!?!

We’re Open For Business As Usual

Well, it looks like the city has somehow managed to survive another “storm of the century,” or as I like to look at it, “just another winter day with a little snow.”

So, today – Wednesday, January 28th – we’re open for business as usual at 11:30 AM for lunch through dinner and our live music show tonight – Hornell’s Hump Day Hullabaloo – at 8:30 PM. Only $5 at the door for the best show in the city tonight.

Dateline Halifax – Tuesday, January 27th – Snowmaggedon / Snowpocalypse / Jeez-it-Just-Snowed-A-Little

Oh the humanity! OK, so it snowed a little today. I was up early, shoveled it, drove in it and then shoveled it again. Right now it seems like whatever it is, is probably over for now. However, as usual, the media has whipped the city into a cowering sweat over it so we don’t expect many folks will chance leaving their houses and taking “their lives in their hands” to come downtown to have yummy food and lovely drinks and/or to hear exceptionally good live music.

SO, we are reluctantly closing for the night and will move our usual Terrific Tag-Team Tunes Tuesday night with Matthew Hornell & Andrew Sneddon to tomorrow night instead. It’ll be the same start time – 8:30 PM – and the same $5 at the door to get in.


The only problem with that is we’ll have to lose the “T” alliteration and come up with something else… hmmm… How about “Hornell’s Hump Day Hullabaloo?” Who’s with me!?!